PHSRF Background

Partners for Health Services and Research Foundation (PHSRF) is a nongovernmental that originated from the demand-driven reasons for saving lives of Tanzanians. Formed out of former Angaza Zaidi program, a countrywide HIV and AIDS prevention and sensitization program under USAID that was implemented since 2001, PHSRF has accumulated over 15 years of hands-on experience in implementing HIV/AIDS, STI and TB prevention, sensitization and awareness raising projects across the country. PHSRF has also accumulated experience in gender mainstreaming in projects and have worked with Government of Tanzania in developing Gender Based Violence Training package. PHSRF Constitution is legally registered by the Registrar of Societies under the Ministry of Home Affairs with the Certificate of Registration No.S.A.19187. Our vision is “A world with vibrant communities who enjoy good health” while our mission statement is improving health and quality of life for every Tanzania by empowering community from within and supporting them to put knowledge into practice. PHSRF staff are highly trained and experienced in implementing research, Tuberculosis prevention and management, gender issues, HIV prevention and sensitization interventions, key population specific interventions, community-based interventions, communicable disease (CD) and noncommunicable diseases (NCD) in workplace and communities.
For the past 10 years PHSRF has successful implemented Youth Empowerment project that targeted in and out of school vulnerable adolescent girls with HIV, SRH and NCDs knowledge and services. As a sub-contractor to ENV consult, PHSRF was responsible for the redesign and implementation of the TANROADS consultancy services for HIV/AIDS, STI and TB mitigation for the Road Sector Support Project (Namtumbo – Tunduru) and one for the consultancy services for HIV/AIDS, STI and TB mitigation for the Road Sector Support Project (Iringa – Dodoma); this project was completed successful. PHSRF currently is on track, implementing another TANROADS project to provide consultancy services for sensitization of HIV/AIDS, STI, TB Mitigation and Gender Issues for Arusha – Holili/Taveta – Voi Road, Sakina – Tengeru road section (14.1 km) and Arusha bypass road (42.24 km). PHSRF has acquire a wealth of experience on HIV and sensitization to communities and construction workers throughout the 10 years of implementation of Angaza project and the current TANROADS assignment. PHSRF has designed and implemented several projects targeting sex workers including those which use sex workers peer education to deliver HIV and AIDS sensitization activities; currently PHSRF is reaching adolescents, youth and sex workers with HIV and AIDS sensitization as well as counseling and testing services in Dar es Salaam through funding from USAID. Through our various projects, PHSRF has reached thousands of long distance truck drivers, most of whom are sexual partners of sex workers along the transport corridors; in addition, PHSRF has worked directly with transport companies such as Songas and Primefuel in conducting peer education training and reaching their truck drivers with HIV/AIDS, STI and TB prevention and sensitization. PHSRF has proven experience of implementing public health projects in construction settings targeting construction workers, consultants, high risk groups and communities surrounding roads under construction. PHSRF has distributed millions of condoms and IEC materials as part of HIV/AIDS, STI and TB prevention and awareness creation.

PHSRF has established strong partnerships and networks with like-minded organizations which allow knowledge and experience as we design, implement and monitor interventions. For this assignment, PHSRF formed association with NACOPHA to enhance our experience and qualifications. NACOPHA will use their existing PLHIV networks along the roads and in the project districts to support sensitization events, deliver HIV prevention messages, address HIV stigma and give testimonies as measure to encourage HIV services uptake. PHSRF will be responsible for overall project design, implementation, monitoring and meeting set project objectives in timely fashion and at high standards. PHSRF is managed by highly experienced public health experts and doctors, social scientist, gender expert, health administrators, epidemiologists, health economists and statisticians. PHSRF works closely with Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children and local government authorities to ensure all our interventions and activities adhere to National Guidelines.
Experience and Core competencies

PHSRF works with existing government to ensure functional health systems and build capacity of clients, stakeholders and communities within intervention areas to play their role in enhancing health of the community as whole. PHSRF is known for its efficient, quality of work, maximizing impact and adhering to agreed timelines and standards as per client requirement. We always work with client to help them have adequate data for decision making and for monitoring the interventions.

PHSRF has a pool of experts including medical doctors, sociologists and gender specialist that will be assigned to this project on full time basis. The proposed team lead, sociologist and gender expert are highly qualified and all have over 10 years of experience in implementing similar projects. These proposed key experts have confirmed their availability if our application become successful. The PHSRF management and technical backstopping team (support staff) include Dr Beati Alphonce Mboya and Dr Emilian Michael who are highly experienced in project design implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Both have lead multi-million donor projects including projects funded by USAID, SIDA, UNICEF, CDC and TANROADS.

PHSRF is well connected and engaged in various Ministry Technical working groups contributing to guideline and policy formulation through National technical working groups including HTC, PMTCT, Gender, HIV/FP integration, HIV prevention, nutrition, care and treatment working groups. Nutritional assessment and counseling has been core business among our interventions.

Contact Us

Shekilango Road No.30, Emirate House,

2nd Floor, Sinza C,

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Call: +255 754 364 690

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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